

lab 101 - limbo B+ tree

This lab is an implementation of a B+ tree. It is code from a much older lab that was overly complicated and buggy. I pulled the B+ tree code out, tried to fix the bugs and clean it up. The interface is roughly the same as dbm(2). Here is a synopsis.

include "btree.m";
btreem := load Btreem Btreem->PATH;
Datum, Btree: import Btreem;

Btree: adt {
 create: fn(file: string, perm: int): ref Btree;
 open: fn(file: string, flags: int): ref Btree;
 fetch: fn(b: self ref Btree, key: Datum): Datum;
 delete: fn(b: self ref Btree, key: Datum): int;
 store: fn(b: self ref Btree, key: Datum, val: Datum):int;

 firstkey: fn(b: self ref Btree): Datum;
 nextkey: fn(b: self ref Btree, key: Datum): Datum;

 flush: fn(b: self ref Btree);
 close: fn(b: self ref Btree);

init: fn();

Like Dbm the keys and values are stored as arrays of bytes, and being a B+tree the values are stored only in the leaf nodes. The maximum key and val size is 255 each. The block size is 8192, so the maximum leaf node size is 515 making the minimum branching factor 15. The maximum number of records in an internal nodes assuming an int as key is 630.

The delete is not fully implemented; it doesn’t merge nodes.

Here is some example code listing the full contents of a btree.

sys := load Sys Sys->PATH;
btreem := load Btreem Btreem->PATH;
Datum, Btree: import btreem;

bt :="", Sys->ORDWR);
for(key := bt.firstkey(); key != nil; key = bt.nextkey(key)){
 v := bt.fetch(key);
 sys->print("%s %s\n", string key, string v);

Here is a rough comparison of btree vs. dbm. This simple test is more of a sanity check that the btree doesn’t do anything horribly wrong in its implementation (which it did originally, by making a syscall to get the daytime for every block it tried to get).

% awk '{print $1, NR}' < /lib/words | tr -d 'cr' > t1

% >
% >dbm.pag
% >dbm.dir

% time sh -c 'btree/store < t1' 
0l 4.172r 4.172t

% time sh -c 'dbm/store dbm < t1'
0l 35.25r 35.25t

% ls -l dbm.*
--rw-rw---- M 6 xcs0998 XCS0998    8192 Jun 04 12:38 dbm.dir
--rw-rw---- M 6 xcs0998 XCS0998 1048576 Jun 04 12:38 dbm.pag
--rw-rw---- M 6 xcs0998 XCS0998 770048 Jun 04 12:36

% time sh -c 'btree/list > /dev/null'
0l 5.187r 5.187t

% time sh -c 'dbm/list dbm > /dev/null'
0l 9.438r 9.438t

lab 18 - mux

Much of my recent reading has led me back to various implementations of a multiplexer. This is an important and powerful abstraction and I want to understand it better. I know very little about it now. I’d like to implement one in limbo, for example to multiplex the link between sam and samterm as suggested in the protium paper. Hence my interest in sam in the earlier lab.

Here is a some of the things I’ve been reading recently about multiplexers. See if you notice a pattern. J. Hickey’s Master thesis at MIT implements mux for plan9 which puts a 9p multiplexer into user space and provides asynchonous IO for user threads.

Search 9fans for multiplexing where there is some interesting discussion on the use of multiplexers in plan9.

For example, an idea by rog and russ’s response And futher proposals by russ: proposal for mux, local 9p multiplexing and remote 9p multiplexing.

See also an implementation of a generic rpc multiplexer, libmux, in plan9port

The various window systems by Rob Pike, mux, 8½, and rio are multiplexers for their environment, the screen, mouse and keyboard.

The spree game engine is a multiplexer at the application level for the object hierarchy managed by the server.

And in inferno /emu/port/devmnt.c is the multiplexer for 9p.

In the original exokernel paper the authors argued the principal function of an operating system is to multiplex access to hardware, and should do nothing else. Multiplexers are vital to providing 9p service and in protium the authors argue they are a vital piece of infrastructure for distributed applications.

lab 20 - libmux in limbo

To learn about mux in detail I tried to implement libmux in limbo. It actually resembles the mux from libventi more than libmux. They are pretty similar.

I was going to do a detailed description of the mux in devmnt but it turns out this has already been done here by nemo.

When I get this working it can be applied to the venti lib for session rpc, to build a libfs for direct client 9p interaction, bypassing devmnt, and for application protocol muxing, say for sam.

This is a partial implementation. I didn’t complete .IR send , .IR recv , .I gettag and .I settag functions, so this has not been tested.

I’m just posting it here now so I don’t lose track of it. I’ll come back to it later, maybe writing more for the Venti library or libfs. This is more an excercise to understand the workings of libmux and venti’s session rpc. mux.b mux.m